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Download your wallpapers below and add them to your desktop, phone or tablet - or all three.  If you use them, I'd love to see - tag me on Instagram @karen_turner_artist and share how they look!


  1. Whilst on your desktop, download using the button above

  2. Open the downloaded folder and save the files to your device

  3. Right click your chosen wallpaper and select SET DESKTOP PICTURE (Mac) or SET AS DESKTOP BACKGROUND (PC)


  1. ​Whilst on your mobile, download using the button above

  2. Open the downloaded folder

  3. IPHONE:  Tap on a wallpaper to open it, then press the send icon and select SAVE IMAGE

  4. ANDROID:  Instructions

  5. Repeat for any others you want to save

  6. Go to Settings > Wallpaper and choose your image (IS THIS THE SAME ON ANDROID?)

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